
The symbol group functions are accessible from the global dbgeng.symbolgroup table, and represent the functions from the IDebugSymbolGroup interfaces of the dbgeng COM API.

Symbol group objects are created from the create_symbol_group() function in dbgeng.symbols.

Symbol groups are disposed automatically by garbage collection when the object is no longer referenced by any variables.

All of the symbolgroup methods are object methods, which means they can be called using Lua object method syntax. Assuming a variable sg containing a symbol group object, this call would return the number of symbols contained in the symbol group:

local numsyms = sg:get_number_symbols()

This is really just syntatic sugar for the more verbose:

local numsyms = dbgeng.symbolgroup.get_number_symbols( sg )

Object methods

dbgeng.symbolgroup.add_symbol(symexpr, index) → integer

Adds a symbol to the symbol group. See AddSymbol.

  • symexpr (string) – C++ expression representing the symbol to add, which can include pointer, array, and structure dereferencing
  • index (integre) – desired index within the symbol group for the added symbol; pass dbgeng.ANY_ID to append the symbol to the end

index of the newly added symbol

dbgeng.symbolgroup.expand_symbol(index, expand) → boolean

Adds or removes the children of a symbol within the symbol group. See ExpandSymbol.

  • index (integer) – index of the symbol to expand or collapse
  • expand (boolean) – true to expand, false to collapse

indication of success of the operation

  • true if the operation succeeded
  • false if the symbol had no children to add
  • if the symbol is already at the maximum expansion depth, so that its children could not be added, returns the three values: nil, 'E_INVALIDARG', and dbgeng.hr.E_INVALIDARG

dbgeng.symbolgroup.get_number_symbols() → integer

Returns the number of symbols in the symbol group. See GetNumberSymbols.

dbgeng.symbolgroup.get_symbol_entry_information(index) → table of symbol information

Returns information about a symbol in a symbol group. See GetSymbolEntryInformation.

Parameters:index (integer) – index of the symbol whose information to retrieve
Returns:table containing the following fields:
  • module : module base address
  • offset : memory location of the symbol
  • id : id of the symbol; if not known, will be equal to dbgeng.INVALID_OFFSET
  • arg64 : interpretation depends on the type of the symbol; if not known, will be 0
  • size : size of the symbol’s value, in bytes
  • type_id : type id of the symbol
  • name_size : size of the symbol’s name, in characters
  • token : managed token of the symbol; if not known or has none, will be 0
  • tag : symbol tag of the symbol; will equal one of the values in the dbgeng.symtag table
  • arg32 : interpretation depends on the type of the symbol; currently, equals the register that holds the value or pointer to the value of the symbol; if the symbol is not held in a register or the register is not known, will be 0
dbgeng.symbolgroup.get_symbol_name(index) → string

Returns the name of a symbol in the symbol group. See GetSymbolName.

Parameters:index (integer) – index of the symbol whose information to retrieve
dbgeng.symbolgroup.get_symbol_offset(index) → integer

Returns the memory location in the target’s memory of a symbol in the symbol group, if the symbol has an absolute address. See GetSymbolOffset.

Parameters:index (integer) – index of the symbol whose information to retrieve
dbgeng.symbolgroup.get_symbol_parameters(start, count) → array of symbol parameter information

Returns symbol parameters that describe the specified symbols from the symbol group. See GetSymbolParameters.

  • start (integer) – index of the first symbol for which to retrieve parameters
  • count (integer) – number of symbols for which to retrieve parameters

array of tables, each of which contains the following fields:

  • module : module base address
  • type_id : type id of the symbol
  • parent_symbol : index within the symbol group of the symbol’s parent
  • sub_elements : number of children of the symbol
  • flags : bitfield combination of the values in the symbol_flag table
  • expansion_depth : expansion depth of the symbol within the symbol group; the depth of a child symbol is always one more than the depth of its parent

dbgeng.symbolgroup.get_symbol_register(index) → integer

Returns the index of the register that contains the value or a pointer to the value of a symbol in the symbol group. See GetSymbolRegister.

Parameters:index (integer) – index of the symbol whose information to retrieve
dbgeng.symbolgroup.get_symbol_size(index) → integer

Returns the size of a symbol’s value, in bytes. See GetSymbolSize.

Parameters:index (integer) – index of the symbol whose information to retrieve
dbgeng.symbolgroup.get_symbol_type_name(index) → string

Returns the name of a symbol’s type. See GetSymbolTypeName.

Parameters:index (integer) – index of the symbol whose information to retrieve
dbgeng.symbolgroup.get_symbol_value_text(index) → string

Returns a string representation of a symbol’s value. See GetSymbolValueText.

Parameters:index (integer) – index of the symbol whose information to retrieve
dbgeng.symbolgroup.remove_symbol_by_index(index) → boolean

Removes the specified symbol from the symbol group. Child symbols cannot be removed using this method; the parent symbol must be removed, which will remove the children as well. See RemoveSymbolByIndex.

Parameters:index (integer) – index of the symbol to remove
Returns:true if the operation succeeded, otherwise nil
dbgeng.symbolgroup.remove_symbol_by_name(name) → boolean

Removes the specified symbol from the symbol group. Child symbols cannot be removed using this method; the parent symbol must be removed, which will remove the children as well. See RemoveSymbolByName.

Parameters:name (string) – name of the symbol to remove
Returns:true if the operation succeeded, otherwise nil
dbgeng.symbolgroup.write_symbol(index, value) → boolean

Sets the value of a symbol in the symbol group. See WriteSymbol.

  • index (integer) – index of the symbol to set
  • value (string) – C++ expression that is evaluated to determine the symbol’s new value

true if the operation is successful, otherwise nil


  • EXPANDED : The children of the symbol are part of the symbol group.
  • READ_ONLY : The symbol represents a read-only variable.
  • IS_ARRAY : The symbol represents an array variable.
  • IS_FLOAT : The symbol represents a floating-point variable.
  • IS_ARGUMENT : The symbol represents an argument passed to a function.
  • IS_LOCAL : The symbol represents a local variable in a scope.