
The control functions are all accessible from the global dbgeng.control table, and represent the functions from the IDebugControl interfaces of the dbgeng COM API.


dbgeng.control.add_assembly_options(options) → boolean

Turns on some of the assembly and disassembly options. The given options will be added to the existing options. See AddAssemblyOptions.

Parameters:options (integer) – bitfield, combining values from the asmopt table
Returns:true if successful
dbgeng.control.add_breakpoint(type, id) → dbgeng.breakpoint

Adds a breakpoint. type can be one of the values from the dbgeng.breakpoint.type table. See AddBreakpoint.

Return type:


dbgeng.control.add_engine_options(options) → boolean

Turns on some of the debugger engine’s options, by combining the given bitfield with the existing options using bitwise OR. Possible bitflag values can be found in the engopt table. See AddEngineOptions.

Parameters:options (integer) – bitfield, combining values from the engopt table
Returns:true if successful
dbgeng.control.add_extension(path) → integer

Loads an extension library into the debugger engine. If the extension library is already loaded, simply returns the handle, the library will not be loaded again. See AddExtension.

Parameters:path (string) – fully qualified path to the extension library to load
Returns:handle to the loaded library
dbgeng.control.call_extension(handle, function, argstr) → boolean

Calls an extension library function. See CallExtension.

  • handle (integer) – handle to the extension library, returned by add_extension(); if set to 0, the engine will walk the extension library chain search for the function
  • function (string) – name of the extension function to call
  • argstr (string) – parsed into arguments by the extension as if typed at the command prompt

true if called successfully

dbgeng.control.disassemble(offset, flags) → string, integer

Disassembles a processor instruction in the target’s memory. See Disassemble.

  • offset (integer) – location in the target’s memory of the instruction to disassemble
  • flags (integer) – bitfield of flags that affect the behavior of the function; currently the only flag that can be set is dbgeng.control.disasm_flag.EFFECTIVE_ADDRESS, which will instruct the engine to computer and display the effective address from the current register information

two values, the first being the disassembled instruction as a string, and the second being the memory location of the following instruction

dbgeng.control.execute(outctl, command, flags) → boolean

Executes the specified debugger commands, as if typed at the command prompt. See Execute.

  • outctl (integer) – bitfield, combining values from the dbgeng.outctl table
  • command (string) – command string to execute, may contain multiple commands
  • flags (integer) – bitfield, combining values from the execute_flag table
dbgeng.control.get_assembly_options() → integer

Returns the assembly and disassembly options that affect how the debugger engine assembles and disassembles processor instructions for the target. See GetAssemblyOptions.

Returns:bitfield containing a combination of values from the asmopt table
dbgeng.control.get_breakpoint_by_id(id) → breakpoint

Returns the dbgeng.breakpoint with the specified breakpoint id. See GetBreakpointById.

If a breakpoint with the given id is not found, belongs to another process, or is private, returns nil.

Parameters:id (integer) – id of the breakpoint to return
Return type:dbgeng.breakpoint
dbgeng.control.get_breakpoint_by_index(index) → breakpoint

Returns the breakpoint at the specified index. See GetBreakpointByIndex.

If a breakpoint with the given index is not found or is private, returns nil.

Parameters:index (integer) – zero-based index of the breakpoint to return, ranging from 0 to the number of defined breakpoints; this is specific to the current process
Return type:dbgeng.breakpoint
dbgeng.control.get_code_level() → integer

Returns the current code level and is mainly used when stepping through code. See GetCodeLevel.

Returns:one of the values from the level table
dbgeng.control.get_engine_options() → integer

Returns the current engine options. See GetEngineOptions.

Returns:bitfield containing the engine options, which is a combination of the values in the engopt table
dbgeng.control.get_expression_syntax() → integer

Returns the current syntax that the engine is using for evaluating expressions. See GetExpressionSyntax.

Returns:one of the values from the expr table
dbgeng.control.get_expression_syntax_names(index) → string, string

Returns the full and abbreviated names of an expression syntax. See GetExpressionSyntaxNames.

Parameters:index (integer) – index of the expression syntax, which should be between zero and the number returned by get_number_expression_syntaxes() minus one.
Returns:two values, the first being the abbreviated name of the expression syntax, and the second being the full name
dbgeng.control.get_interrupt() → boolean

Checks whether a user interrupt was issued. If a user interrupt was issued, it’s cleared when this function is called. Examples of user interrupts include pressing Ctrl+C or pressing the Stop button in a debugger. Calling :func:.set_interrupt also causes a user interrupt. See GetInterrupt.

Returns:true if an interrupt has been requested, otherwise false
dbgeng.control.get_number_expression_syntaxes() → integer

Returns the number of expression syntaxes that are supported by the engine. See GetNumberExpressionSyntaxes.

Returns:number of supported syntaxes
dbgeng.control.get_stack_trace(frmoff, stkoff, instoff, numframes) → array of stack frame data

Returns the frames at the top of the specified call stack. See GetStackTrace.

  • frmoff (integer) – memory offset of the stack frame at the top of the stack; if zero, the current frame pointer is used
  • stkoff (integer) – memory offset of the current stack; if zero, the current stack pointer is used
  • instoff (integer) – memory offset of the instruction of interest for the function at the top of the stack; if zero, the current instruction pointer is used
  • numframes (integer) – number of frames to retrieve

array of tables representing the requested stack frames, each of which contains the following fields:

  • instruction_offset : memory offset of the related instruction for the stack frame; typically, the return address for the next stack frame, or the current instruction pointer if the frame is at the top of the stack
  • return_offset : memory offset of the return address for the stack frame; typically, the related instruction for the previous stack frame
  • frame_offset : memory offset of the stack frame, if known
  • stack_offset : memory offset of the processor stack
  • func_table_entry : memory offset of the function entry point for this frame, if available
  • params : array containing the first four stack slots passed to the function, if available
  • virtual : boolean, set to true if this stack frame was generated by the debugger during unwinding; set to false if it was formed from a thread’s current context
  • frame_number : index of the frame from the top of the stack, which has index 0

dbgeng.control.is_pointer_64bit() → boolean

See IsPointer64Bit.

Returns:true if the effective processor uses 64-bit pointers, otherwise false
dbgeng.control.output_disassembly_lines(outctl, previous_lines, total_lines, offset, flags) → table of memory location data

Disassembles several processor instructions and sends the resulting assembly instructions to the output callbacks. See OutputDisassemblyLines.

  • outctl (integer) – combination of flags from dbgeng.outctl that control output
  • previous_lines (integer) – number of lines of instructions before offset to include in the output
  • total_lines (integer) – number of lines of instructions to include in the output
  • offset (integer) – memory location to disassemble, along with surrounding instructions depending on other arguments
  • flags (integer) – bitfield, combining values from the disasm_flag table

table containing the following fields:

  • offset_line : line number in the output that contains the instruction at offset
  • start_offset : memory location of the first instruction included in the output
  • end_offset : memory location of the instruction after the last disassembled instruction
  • line_offsets : array that contains the memory location of each instruction included in the output; if the output for an instruction spans multiple lines, the array element corresponding to the first line of output will contain the address of the instruction

New in version 1.1.0.

dbgeng.control.remove_assembly_options(options) → boolean

Turns off some of the assembly and disassembly options. The given options will be removed from the existing options. See RemoveAssemblyOptions.

Parameters:options (integer) – bitfield, combining values from the asmopt table
Returns:true if successful
dbgeng.control.remove_breakpoint(bp) → boolean

Removes the given breakpoint. See RemoveBreakpoint.

Parameters:bp (breakpoint) – breakpoint to remove
Returns:true if breakpoint was successfully removed
dbgeng.control.remove_engine_options(options) → boolean

Turns off some of the debugger engine’s options, by combining the complement of the given bitfield with the existing options using bitwise AND. Possible bitflag values can be found in the engopt table. See RemoveEngineOptions.

Parameters:options (integer) – bitfield, combining values from the engopt table
Returns:true if successful
dbgeng.control.remove_extension(handle) → boolean

Unloads an extension library. See RemoveExtension.

Parameters:handle (integer) – handle of the extension to unload, returned from add_extension()
Returns:true if successful
dbgeng.control.set_assembly_options(options) → boolean

Changes the assembly and disassembly options. The given options will completely replace the existing options. See SetAssemblyOptions.

Parameters:options (integer) – bitfield, combining values from the asmopt table
Returns:true if successful
dbgeng.control.set_code_level(level) → boolean

Sets the current code level and is mainly used when stepping through code. See SetCodeLevel.

Parameters:level (integer) – one of the values from the level table
Returns:true if successful
dbgeng.control.set_engine_options(options) → boolean

Changes the debugger engine’s options, completely replacing the existing options. Possible bitflag values can be found in the engopt table. See SetEngineOptions.

Parameters:options (integer) – bitfield, combining values from the engopt table
Returns:true if successful
dbgeng.control.set_expression_syntax(syntax) → boolean

Sets the syntax that the engine will use to evaluate expressions. See SetExpressionSyntax.

Parameters:syntax (integer) – one of the values from the expr table
Returns:true if successful
dbgeng.control.set_expression_syntax_by_name(syntax) → boolean

Sets the syntax that the engine will use to evaluate expressions, by syntax name. See SetExpressionSyntaxByName.

Parameters:syntax (string) –

one of the following values:

  • "MASM" : expressions will be evaluated according to MASM syntax
  • "CPLUSPLUS" : expressions will be evaluated according to C++ syntax
Returns:true if successful
dbgeng.control.set_interrupt(flags) → boolean

Registers a user interrupt or breaks into the debugger. See SetInterrupt.

Parameters:flags (integer) – one of the values from the interrupt table
Returns:true if successful



Table containing assembly and disassembly options that affect how the debugger engine assembles and disassembles processor instructions for the target. Contains the following values, which are intended to be combined in a bitfield:

  • VERBOSE : When set, additional information is included in the disassembly
  • NO_CODE_BYTES : When set, the raw bytes for an instruction are not included in the disassembly
  • IGNORE_OUTPUT_WIDTH : When set, the debugger ignores the width of the output display when formatting instructions during dissamebly
  • SOURCE_LINE_NUMBER : When set, each line of dissembly output is prefixed with the line number of the source code provided by symbol information



Table containing options controlled some disassembly functions. Contains the following values, which are intended to be combined in a bitfield:

  • EFFECTIVE_ADDRESS : Compute the effective address from the current register information.
  • MATCHING_SYMBOLS : If the address of the instruction has an exact symbol match, output the symbol.
  • SOURCE_LINE_NUMBER : Include the source line number of the instruction in the output.
  • SOURCE_FILE_NAME : Include the source file name in the output.

See the table in the documentation for OutputDisassembly.


Table containing global options that affect the behavior of the debugger engine. Contains the following values, which are intended to be combined in a bitfield:

  • IGNORE_DBGHELP_VERSION : The debugger engine generates a warning instead of an error if the version of the DbgHelp DLL does not match the version of the debugger engine.
  • IGNORE_EXTENSION_VERSIONS : Disable version checking for extensions.
  • ALLOW_NETWORK_PATHS : Network shares can be used for loading symbols and extensions. This option cannot be set if DISALLOW_NETWORK_PATHS is set.
  • DISALLOW_NETWORK_PATHS : Network shares cannot be used for loading symbols and extensions. This option cannot be set if ALLOW_NETWORK_PATHS is set.
  • IGNORE_LOADER_EXCEPTIONS : Ignore expected first-chance exceptions that are generated by the loader in certain versions of Windows.
  • INITIAL_BREAK : Break into the debugger at the target’s initial event.
  • INITIAL_MODULE_BREAK : Break into the debugger when the target loads its first module.
  • FINAL_BREAK : Break into the debugger at the target’s final event. In a live user-mode target, this is when the process exits. It has no effect in kernel mode.
  • NO_EXECUTE_REPEAT : When given an empty command, the debugger engine does not repeat the last command.
  • FAIL_INCOMPLETE_INFORMATION : Prevent the debugger from loading modules whose images cannot be mapped.
  • ALLOW_READ_ONLY_BREAKPOINTS : Allow the debugger engine to manipulate page protections on the target to allow for setting software breakpoints in a read-only section of memory.
  • SYNCHRONIZE_BREAKPOINTS : In live user-mode debugging, the engine performs extra work when inserting and removing breakpoints to ensure that all threads in the target have a consistent breakpoint state at all times.
  • DISALLOW_SHELL_COMMANDS : Disallow executing shell commands through the debugger. After this option has been set, it cannot be unset.
  • KD_QUIET_MODE : Turn on quiet mode. For more info see the documentation for the sq command.
  • DISABLE_MANAGED_SUPPORT : Disables debugger engine support for managed code. If support for managed code is already in use, this option has no effect.
  • DISABLE_MODULE_SYMBOL_LOAD : The debugger does not load symbols for modules that are loaded while this flag is set.
  • DISABLE_EXECUTION_COMMANDS : Prevents any commands that would cause the target to begin executing.
  • DISALLOW_IMAGE_FILE_MAPPING : Disallows mapping of image files from disk.
  • PREFER_DML : The debugger runs DML-enhanced versions of commands and operations by default.
  • DISABLESQM : Disables upload of Software Quality Metrics (SQM) data.



Table containing options that control the operation of execute(). Contains the following values:

  • ECHO : The command string is sent to the output.
  • NOT_LOGGED : The command string is not logged. This is overridden by ECHO.
  • NO_REPEAT : If command is an empty string, do not repeat the last command, and do not save the current command string for repeat execution later.

See the table in the documentation for Execute.


Table containing values that represent possible expression evaluation syntaxes. Contains the following values:

  • MASM : Expressions will be evaluated according to MASM syntax.
  • CPLUSPLUS : Expressions will be evaluated according to C++ syntax.

See the table in the documentation for GetExpressionSyntax.


Table containing values that control the operation of set_interrupt(). Contains the following values:

  • ACTIVE : If the target is running, the engine will request a break into the debugger. This request might time out. Otherwise, when the target is suspended, the engine will register a user interrupt.
  • PASSIVE : The engine will register a user interrupt.
  • EXIT : See documentation on MSDN.

See table in the documentation for SetInterrupt.


Table containing values that represent possible code stepping levels. Contains the following values:

  • SOURCE : When stepping through code on the target, the size of a single step will be a line of source code.
  • ASSEMBLY : When stepping through code on the target, the size of a single step will be a single processor instruction.

See the table in the documentation for GetCodeLevel.